Guided river trips

Saturday, December 05, 2015

Storm Desmond.

Voici la nouvelle tempête du weekend....Desmond. Code rouge pour ce weekend, vent a 120km/h, inondations, coupures de courant...Mais ca n'empêche pas les locaux de se baigner a Galway! Et oui on est bien en Décembre!
STORM DESMONDBy posting this video of Storm Desmond in Salthill, Galway I wish to highlight the absolute madness and stupidity of what these youngsters are doing. I do not know if they are strong swimmers or not, that is not the case, if any one of them got into difficulties there was no one there to do anything for them. The voluntary and rescue services are kept busy enough without having to worry about this type of stupid behaviour. Please God, everyone will have a happy Christmas, perhaps it could have been very different. I would like to make it very clear that I or anyone else do not condone or see any "macho" side to this incident. In a couple of hours this video clip has received 168,000 views across the globe and everyone is of the same opinion "fools", "eejits", "morons" and worse. Count your blessings and do not, ever, repeat this type of "stunt". Cathal Devlin
Posted by Cathal Devlin on Friday, December 4, 2015
Et ça chauffe sur le Corrib....

Spectacular waterspouts & gusts at Maam Valley, Lough Corrib
Posted by Billy Keady on Friday, December 4, 2015