Guided river trips

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Costa Rica, my new bff...

Its just been a week since i came back to Ireland, and as usual returning to reality is always difficult. This is my second visit to CR and every time i fall in love more and more with this beautiful country. From the friendly locals to the abundant wildlife, not to mention the weather and the fishing, this place has a lot to offer. I am already planning my next visit.
Unwanted night in Toronto

We only ventured on the car park, way too cold for the clothes we had

I like when i travel to such places to work for my fishing.Yes i could easily book myself in a lodge and get onto fish right away, but i see these holidays as a complete package. I go there not to just fish, but to get more life experiences, meeting new people, encounters with local wildlife, and of course having fun. And one week in a specialised fishing lodge will pay for a month or two living in a beach house...
Ferry crossing from Puntarenas to Paquera

This trip started badly, with our flights delayed, then just before take off we had engine troubles grounding the plane for a further 3 hours on the tarmac.We missed our connecting flight in Toronto, and were stuck there in artic weather, something unusual even for Canada.We landed in minus 24 degrees with a real feel of minus 36....This is surely the last time i will travel via Canada at this time of the year, and not to mention Air Canada for their terrible services all around....Yes, after all these troubles upon arrival in San Jose airport, my suitcase was missing....Turns out they sent it back from Toronto to Dublin...With it all my fishing gear and all my chargers for my cameras and drone. The suitcase turned up but 9 days later!!!
Our first CR sunset from the ferry.

Of course the fishing was great the first week, and once my case arrived the weather turned, a change of wind (strong ) and heavy tropical thunderstorms killed the fishing from the shore.Any one who tries their hand at some exotic fishing from the rocks knows how hard it can be and how quickly the fish can shy away from the shore to be pushed back to deeper water. I always try to book a day or two with a charter boat, but the weather messed that up for me too, as the boat was cancelled due to strong wind.
Our piece of paradise for the next two weeks.

Thanks to my good friend that lives there and the lent of a spinning rod and a few lures i did manage to get my target, the rooster fish.
After these types of trips we always learn and evolved.It's only when the fishing is hard and you face difficult challenges that we become better anglers. I start to know the local area better as well and that is a big plus. Rock marks, time to fish, types of flies and lures...Be sure of one thing! i will be back again and again. Thank you Lolo & Silvia for all your help you guys rocks!
Our bedroom, falling asleep to the sound of the Pacific...Priceless.

For the filming i wanted to do a mini series, like 5 short vlogs, but with the missing chargers i could waste precious battery life.My drone was grounded too, to travel in an airplane with lipo batteries, they need to be discharged down to 30% for safety on board. So i did the best i could , with no gimball for smooth footage and limited battery this is what i managed to bring back for you guys to watch:

This way....just wilderness and unexplored rock marks.

If you have batteries with your drone....You can scout areas pretty fast!

First fish first evening, black tuna, great in sashimi! 

Lures have a short life over there.

One more species  for my book!

My sister done pretty well too....

Early mornings and late evenings we the best for larger fish.The sun can get very intense from 11 am till 3 pm.

Cerveza & Pina colada, lives essentials.

Keeping hydrated

Everything rust when you are literally a stone throw away from the ocean

Local beach chickens

Daily visit from the clan of capuchin to the garden

Coatis were shy but present

Surfers paradise

Pura Vida

A ten minutes walk from the beach house to Montezuma village.I can get use to this type of commuting.

So often you are reminded about our environment In CR.If only we could follow in their footsteps.

Sunset picture time, helped by the extremely generous rum and cokes served on the ferry.


  1. Awesome memories, amazing country, warm locals, great food, abundant wildlife diversity....PURA VIDA!! Mucho gusto...hasta pronto Costa Rica <3

  2. Great story ...Can't wait for the next episode !
