Guided river trips

Monday, August 24, 2020

Update from HQ

 Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts lately, not much fishing due to the warm summer waters here. But things are changing weather wise, second storm is coming tonight, with high winds and again a lot of water.

Talking about water, the levels are high at the moment here, with many venues having the levels gone up onto the fields. The temperature still remain pretty high with an average of 18º / 19º

But this will change fast very soon, days are getting shorter, and less daylight will naturally drop the water temps.


With the Covid situation i am still out of work, 100% of my clients still face a quarantine upon arrival here. Looking into the future i don't think the situation will change much for this autumn and winter. I really do hope to be open for spring 2021...

So this is going to give me plenty free time over the next few months. Projects are being made, concentrating on publishing more Youtube videos. The channel has grown a good bit this year so it's giving me a good moral boost to keep at it. Tying videos are the most popular, but i'm also getting requests for more reviews about the gear i use and set ups. So i will be more than happy to make a few for you guys. I know you hear this on every videos you watch on Youtube and it gets very repetitive, this is why i usually never ask this on my videos, but please do subscribe and share if you enjoy the contents. 80% of the views the channel gets is from non subscribed viewers...

If you have requests for a specific videos, leave me a comment here, or on my Instagram ( this is where i get more of the requests).


I am currently working on my next tying video and it looks like it's going to be the bomb! As usual a streamer that you haven't seen before and one that does catch fish too!

To finish this little update i give you the latest short film from Patagonia, thanks again for the support and keep safe!

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