Guided river trips

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Live streams!

 Confinement and no work make for a lot of spare time to think about things... 

I do enjoy video making and keeping my small Youtube channel going over the years. My style of video for fly tying is usually straight to the point and usually it's more oriented for the tier that has already some tying experience behind him/her.


I do get private message and request for more detailed videos , but i'm not  into lengthy sbs and editing 45 mins of tying... I rather make something short and more pleasing to the eye.

Over the last couple of years streaming is getting popular on different broadcasting platforms, and even more now since the Covid pandemic. Cooking, learning to play the guitar, gaming, craft, everyday more and more viewers watch live streams...

So why not doing a fly related stream? Where people can come and join the stream , watch, tie with me and ask questions live. This way  inexperienced and experienced tiers can come and join the fun! 


This does take a bit of investment to get a multi-cam stream going, and time. Since the beginning of the pandemic anything webcam /streaming related is out of stock, over priced and it takes for ever to come by post. But i am slowly getting there and learning the world of live streaming.

Post is slow but the stream lab is getting close to completion soon!


For this i need a little help from you guys, i want to provide the best viewing experience and need to know what rocks your boat.

Please fill in this quick questionnaire and don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel. I hate asking for this, but unfortunately YouTube algorithms works that way. Videos with little interactions do not get shared/recommended  by Youtube and have a very hard time reaching new viewers. It only takes a click from the viewer but from a creator's side it make a big difference.

Also, i think "super chat" will be included in the live streams, so if you feel generous you can always throw a dollar or a euro my way or not... 

To finish this post i wanted to thank all you guys that support me, via YouTube or my guiding here at the lodge over the years.Without you i wouldn't even bother doing this...You guys make this possible!


To finish, fishing has picked up a little here since we finally have some settled weather... 


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