Guided river trips

Monday, February 22, 2021

The live sessions: Pike leaders

 This was a stream that had a lot of attention from viewers, and i hope the last stream helped some of you guys looking into making your own pike leaders.

Again, like i said in the video, i don't pretend that this is the leader for you, but it's the one that works for me and it has not let me down the last 5 years and after  100's of big fish caught and landed, none have broke me off so far. I use this leader here in Ireland, and used the same in Alaska.

I like to keep my leaders super simple, this is where less is definitely more! 

From the fly line to the tippet i use Amnesia Memory free mono from Sunset fishing. This only cost 5/6€ per spool and it's fantastic for leader making. Just google Amnesia mono and you will find numerous online sellers without any problems.

I fish 90% of the time with the 13.6kgs.

To attach the Amnesia to the fly line i use the perfection loop:


The tippet:

I use the Bleeding wire from American fishing wire:

For some it can be difficult to source due to Brexit and the added charges, i buy mine from the US in 300m spools.Even with the import tax and post, it's still super cheap per meter. (around 0.33 cent/ meter ). Your best bet if you want this wire is to look for it either on Ebay (where i get mine from) or try a local search on your browser.

The one i use is the 30lbs breaking test. (picture is only for show).

To attach the Amnesia to the wire i use the 6 turn Yucatan knot:

Note that due to the stiffness of the wire you will need less turns. I turn mine 4 times .

Now to attach to your fastach , solid ring or straight to the fly i use the non slip loop knot (also called the Rapala knot):

Again , due to the stiffness of the wire less turns are needed, i only do two turns for mine.

Here the livestream now with a bonus fly, the classic flashtail whistler:

Thank you for the ongoing support via the beers donated and for the ones who used the super chat in Youtube! You guys are awesome!

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