Guided river trips

Monday, March 22, 2021

What's in my bag?

 As the Youtube channel grows, i'm very happy with the response of the viewers and subscribers, and it's great  to see requests coming in.

One request that comes back often is about the gear that i use, so i start this series of videos starting with What's in my bag? What do i take with me on the water on any normal float tube outing? 

I will have a video showing my two float tubes set ups more in detail.  I  will have one for the big girl (the Outcast Scout) and one for the smaller version when i need  a long walk to the water (lighter version).

Talking float tubes, i am supposed to get an exclusive look at a brand new tube coming onto the market for next year. I should normally get an early one coming to me in the next few months to test.At the moment it's all wrapped in red tape so i was asked not to reveal more than that....

In other news, the Hosted trips to the Innoko in Alaska will resume soon, and i am pleased to announced a new destination very soon!

Keep tuned!!


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