Guided river trips

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Double Buford

 It's soon that time....Leaves on the trees will start changing colours, days are getting shorter, temperatures will start dropping, and all the summer vegetation on the lakes will start dying.

And this is on of my prime location to fish early to mid autumn, close to the shore where all the lily pads are slowly decaying, or on top of the big cabbage fields.


Once that vegetation is disappearing, many anglers will ignore these areas and star fishing deeper waters. Little do they know, that layer of dead vegetation will hover mid depth, before completely dying and lying on the bottom. It's at that time when it's hanging that i like to fish buoyant flies over that  rotting blanket.


That dying matter holds a lot of food! Many invertebrates will feed here, attracting bait fish...And we know what follows bait fish...

The double Buford will need to be fished on an intermediate line or even on a sink 3. Combine that with a short leader and fish it from just below the surface or let it sink to reach that layer of dead vegetation.

Very often big pike will use that layer to hide inside, ready to ambush anything that passes by. Very much so like when you fish at sea for pollocks.


I like to put the flash (lateral scales) on the side at top of the fly, so i can see my fly moving and that way i can judge the speed of my retrieve, just to fish  the double Buford as close to the dead stuff as possible.

Same technique if you fish over dead cabbage fields. But once all that matter has completely died and its lying hard on the bottom, there will be no more place for the pike to hide...Then it's time to move and follow the fish to the deeper zones.


Saturday, July 03, 2021


What a monster! Imagine if it was on the fly... Respect for the quick snap and release!

Monday, June 21, 2021

The Live Sessions: The Bodytubing Mice

 This is one pattern that i am very proud, fished it a lot this year with consistent results, fooling fish time after time.

Fished it form a full floating line just under the surface and also using sinking lines to take the rodent deeper.

Don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you don't want to miss upcoming livestreams, also keep an eye on my Instagram (@norbertrenaud) where i always advertise upcoming streams.

Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Baja lines.

Just watching this makes me want to travel again…This last year and a half has been tough on most people, hit the wallet hard for some, mentally challenging for others and not to mention the ones that lost loved ones.


Chin up and raise your glass to getting back to normality and resuming our travels.

On the plus side we all took something positive out of this pandemic (well… I hope you did).

I certainly did, made me appreciate the smaller things in life and it showed me that we can get away with many materialistic aspect to our lives…But the travel bug is still strong..


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Episode18: Getting cold and going deeper

Episode 18 marks a way forward (I think) into how I film and edit the refreshed vlog format.For quite some time for wanted to step away from the conventional type of vlog, as I felt that they all look the same. Many fishing blogs out there are generally based on the same type, the guy fishes,talks a lot , scenes of fighting fish mixed with heavy metal or pumping music, don’t give me wrong , I think it works, sometimes, but it gets very repetitive and fast.

So I wanted to give the viewers a more immersive and relaxing  experience, no talks, no slow motions shots, no pumping music. Just me, nature the fishing, as a days fishing should be. 

The new wireless microphone  has improved sound a lot for me , and I thrive in learning new techniques to Improve on the Vlogs. 

But I know how important it is to also transmit to the viewers tips , and how I fished on the day. This is why I cut the vlogs in two parts now, one the more immersive ,cinematic feel and the second one where I sit down and give you a one on one talk on the day. 

Hope you guys enjoy that new style, it surely is more fun and interesting for me to make even if it is a lot more works, filming and editing. Memberships earning will go this year towards the  music first , as it’s hard to source copyrighted music that is good. So again thank you for the support and the members!!!


Monday, April 19, 2021


 I need to clear out space here, so i am selling a good few things this year, starting with this batch.

Fly rods, filming equipment, bags, all to find a good home. All this gear is used but all in great condition, some are like new.

If you are interested by any of the items listed, just send me a mail :


 Just a few of the items for grab!

Monday, April 12, 2021

My float tube set up.

 I am glad to start spending more time on my Youtube channel, and i start to see a great engagement  from the viewers. This video was asked by a few subscribers and I'm was more than happy to film it: how does my float tube look like, how did i customized it to my needs.


As the Youtube channel grows (over 100 new subs this month) i am able to include now private memberships for the viewers. Memberships are purely voluntary and starts at only 1.99€/month. Memberships can be cancelled at anytime. This will give you a nice shinny badge beside your name in the comment , but more important it gives you access to behind the scenes pictures and one on one comments on the community tab of my channel. You can see what videos are coming up next way before anybody else and other behind the scenes stuff that i only post on there. 

Again thank you for the first members that joined the channel, these videos are made possible because of your support, and the money generated through the views and memberships goes into gear :SD cards, lens cleaners, new drone ect...

My aim is to bring you entertaining content and give you better quality of filming (4k , better sound, smoother shots and more).

I am currently working on the next one, should be interesting...

Thank you and keep safe.....and go fishing and enjoy the outdoors if you can!

Thursday, April 08, 2021

The Tailgate Reviews: The Yeti Sidekick

 We all know how important it is to keep precious equipment safe on the water, i could just be your car keys and your phone, but for me expending the Youtube channel i see myself carrying more and more expensive filming equipment.


I have tried many waterproof pouches over the years, but all lacked the ease of access. Sometimes you just need to check your phone quickly or grab a spare battery, and more than often we don't really bother closing the pouch properly( i know i'm guilty of that...) 

The sidekick also doubles as a great hip bag.


But i came across the Yeti sidekick and i must say its a fantastic product. Yes like all Yeti products it does not come cheap (59.99€)but like all Yeti gear, you know it's high quality and you will keep it for a very long time.

This is why i decided to make a quick video as i think it can benefit other anglers. More gear videos are on the way for you guys!


If interested you can get yours here: Yeti Sidekick dry

Monday, March 22, 2021

What's in my bag?

 As the Youtube channel grows, i'm very happy with the response of the viewers and subscribers, and it's great  to see requests coming in.

One request that comes back often is about the gear that i use, so i start this series of videos starting with What's in my bag? What do i take with me on the water on any normal float tube outing? 

I will have a video showing my two float tubes set ups more in detail.  I  will have one for the big girl (the Outcast Scout) and one for the smaller version when i need  a long walk to the water (lighter version).

Talking float tubes, i am supposed to get an exclusive look at a brand new tube coming onto the market for next year. I should normally get an early one coming to me in the next few months to test.At the moment it's all wrapped in red tape so i was asked not to reveal more than that....

In other news, the Hosted trips to the Innoko in Alaska will resume soon, and i am pleased to announced a new destination very soon!

Keep tuned!!


Thursday, March 18, 2021

Monday, March 08, 2021

The birth of a new pattern: the carnal crisscross.

 I have been working on this for a little while now, and it's nearly at it's final stage. The final tie will be shown on the next livestream this friday the 12th of March.

First try yesterday on the water, and i am so happy with the early results, wide profile, crazy moves , easy to cast and the pikes loved it!

Friday, February 26, 2021

Flymen Podcast

 Many thanks to FLYMEN FISHING COMPANY for inviting me to their brand new podcast! i truly feel honored to be considered on such a platform.

Podcasts are also available on Spotify if you want to listen to them on the go. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

The live sessions: Pike leaders

 This was a stream that had a lot of attention from viewers, and i hope the last stream helped some of you guys looking into making your own pike leaders.

Again, like i said in the video, i don't pretend that this is the leader for you, but it's the one that works for me and it has not let me down the last 5 years and after  100's of big fish caught and landed, none have broke me off so far. I use this leader here in Ireland, and used the same in Alaska.

I like to keep my leaders super simple, this is where less is definitely more! 

From the fly line to the tippet i use Amnesia Memory free mono from Sunset fishing. This only cost 5/6€ per spool and it's fantastic for leader making. Just google Amnesia mono and you will find numerous online sellers without any problems.

I fish 90% of the time with the 13.6kgs.

To attach the Amnesia to the fly line i use the perfection loop:


The tippet:

I use the Bleeding wire from American fishing wire:

For some it can be difficult to source due to Brexit and the added charges, i buy mine from the US in 300m spools.Even with the import tax and post, it's still super cheap per meter. (around 0.33 cent/ meter ). Your best bet if you want this wire is to look for it either on Ebay (where i get mine from) or try a local search on your browser.

The one i use is the 30lbs breaking test. (picture is only for show).

To attach the Amnesia to the wire i use the 6 turn Yucatan knot:

Note that due to the stiffness of the wire you will need less turns. I turn mine 4 times .

Now to attach to your fastach , solid ring or straight to the fly i use the non slip loop knot (also called the Rapala knot):

Again , due to the stiffness of the wire less turns are needed, i only do two turns for mine.

Here the livestream now with a bonus fly, the classic flashtail whistler:

Thank you for the ongoing support via the beers donated and for the ones who used the super chat in Youtube! You guys are awesome!

Sunday, February 14, 2021

The live sessons: Junkindatrunk 2.0

 Again i like to thank everyone  for the ongoing support for the livestreams! This  time we have a look at a streamer i developed about 4 years ago and over that time i changed it a little for best effect in the water. 


We are all used to see a streamer sink head first, and i wanted to change this by having the weight right at the back and adding a little foam inside the head. When fishing this fly its important to give it a pause once in a while to get the head to raise and let the cone and glass beads to slide back. 

As usual my ties work for me and where i fish them, feel free to customize yours  by adding more or less weight and altering the overall size and colours.

Here's the links for your body tubing needs: 

Clevise/Buzzbait rivet to tie your whiptail :

 Here's a lit of the upcoming streams for the next few weeks: 

19/02/21: Pike leaders/Flashtail whistler.

26/02/21: Brush making.

05/02/21: Jerkchangers.

12/05/21: Articulated flash tails.

19/05/21 : The Flasher.

Please don't be shy in sharing these streams with  your friends! Let's grow this channel together ;)

To finish i include the original Junkindatrunk fly:


Monday, February 01, 2021

Epic Bandit rod kit build

 Thanks again to all who attended last Friday's live stream on YouTube and all the other that couldn't make it, but watched it later. I also want to thank all the generous donations, much ,much appreciated guys!

So, many came to the stream to have a look at this fiberglass rod. Some already fish glass, but many were just glass curious and wanted to know why i use these rods. The Bandit is my rod of choice for pike for so many reasons. I fished the Bandit for a long time now, my first one was the original three piece rod, and it landed me so many fish, in both fresh and salt water.

First thing i want to point is that i am not pushing a product or a brand. Yes i am now part of the Epic Team but i was using their rods long before i was asked to join the crew,  and i am honored to be included with so many big names in the game!

I am proud to represent this brand, because i use their rods day in and day out  and now i can't really see myself going back to carbon, graphite or anything  other than fiberglass.

I try to explain as much as possible why the Bandit  is my favorite rod for pike in this stream.

And as a bonus, you can build your own rod with the Epic rod kits, fiber glass has a soul and if you build it yourself, you will (as weird these words can be) feel a real connection with this rod. It's much  more than a new yearly model that will be forgotten next year because a new model has arrived on the market...This will be your lifetime companion! Fiberglass rods are so resilient they will outlast you!

If you're not sure about building one yourself, you can always opt for the studio build rods.

If you consider getting a kit please follow this link or click on the Epic banner on the left collomn of the blog.You will not pay a penny extra, but i will get a small commision.And other way to help the blog and YouTube channel ☞☞☞   Epic rods

 Many have asked for an other stream to follow the built, so i will make have other live stream tomorrow (Tuesday the 2dn February) at 7 pm GMT on YouTube. And probably an other one to finish and show the finished product.If you cannot make it, don't worry these streams are available to watch when you want as they are saved on my channel.

As everything in this world, i need to make a disclaimer...

Fiber glass need a LITTLE adjustment in your style of casting, and therefore some people will not enjoy it . I didn't say they are the best rods in the world, but they are the best for me, they just suit my style and i love it!  Choice of rods is a very personal affair, but so many of my friends and clients have stepped on the glass side and all are still rocking their glass to this day...

Chris with a lovely hen in a sunny may

Don't be fooled...Glass can cast, far and accurate.

Epic 888 on a fabulous run on an Irish wild river.

Dom with a huge 115cm from a float tube on the Bandit!

Last a little word on how your donations help support the channel, the money doesn't really buy me beers, but help with streaming subscription, copyright free music, filming gear (batteries, light, accessories...) So thank you again, i am always aiming at bringing you informative or entertaining videos so if you have subjects you need me to look at or more fishing videos (coming this spring) don't be shy to contact me via MAIL or social media. 

Unboxing of an Epic kit:

 Reel seat handle:

Spining the rod and marking:

Wraps and finish:

And a quick look at a studio build rod from Swift (Boca Grande 12 weight)


Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Live Sessions: Rabbit

 Many thanks to all who took the time to join me again last night for an other stream, and thank you for the generous donations as well!

Last night live stream:


So yes, as you saw in the stream i am a big fan of rabbit zonker for pike flies, and also for any other predatory fish out there. A simple rabbit strip on a hook will catch you so many species time and time again, no matter where you are in the world, in fresh or salt water.

To recap the stream, this is where i buy my rabbit pelts: 

I did not purchased from that store since Brexit, not sure how this will impact the prices. If you guys know a similar supplier, please let us know, contact me directly, or leave a comment on any of my social media. I'm pretty sure something similar exist in the EU.

Here's a couple of my tying videos now of the flies we tied last night:

1:The Bunnyciever

2: The Pike Toad:

In bonus i will include the "Heavy Bunny" this is a fly tied for Aimara (Wolf fish) .I was supposed to go to French Guyana last Novembre, but the trip was cancelled due to Covid. This fly is not made to break distance record, its more to lob in between rocks in heavy flow to pull out these amazing predators. But its made with rabbit i'm in sure a similiar tie will work for pike:

This is the video on how i cut my zonkers, remember not to cut against a board as you will cut all those hairs trapped under. Raise the pelt a little before cutting it:

 And remember: don't be afraid in using small flies for pike, in fact after the stream i looked into my top 5 biggest pikes on the fly (with two over 15kgs) and 4 of them were caught using small flies (under 15cm) and three off them were caught on a bunny.

An other bonus using smaller flies is that you can always get that surprise, bonus fish especially on rivers here. Big brown trouts or large perch are often tempted by a bunny , even if this one was intended to catch pike.

To finish a few pics of pikes that fell to small bunny flies:

Big winter girl, caught on a bunny fished slowly and deep on a S6 line

This one grabbed a tiny bunny intended for a rainbow trout( caught on a 4 weight)

Mid June pike caught on a black bunny with body tubing head.

My first big Alaskan tank...Caught on a Chewbacca.

Bunnies lined up for the next day deep in the Alaskan bush.

The original Chewbacca!

 I will end this post with a video of a small tie i call the PugsNcBunny, this fly has caught me the most species on the fly including many saltwater ones, and mixed is footage of that huge girl caught on a four weight (fight lasted exactly 5mins 46...all filmed on the GoPro)

Ps: Someone asked if i use finn raccoon, and yes i do:



Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Live Sessions: Synthetics!

 Many thanks for all the support recently with the live streams! So happy with the response, the kind words and the fantastic generosity with the latest donations to the channel!

I'll start this blog entry with a mini disclaimer...The views on the stream are purely personal, i share with you guys what works for me, for my personal fishing and for my guiding work.Like i mentioned on this stream, my choice of synthetics is based on what i need to tie and use for my clients. 

I am not a commercial tier and i tie mostly for clients while guiding or at the lodge. We call these flies    " guide flies", they need to be easy to tie, good value, long lasting, easy to cast and more importantly they have to catch fish!

This is the reason why i use mostly two synthetics for these flies: Kanekalon hair and Congo fibers.

That said, there is a huge amount of materials out there. Either made for fly tying, or used for other purposes but they work great for tying streamers.So there is absolutly nothing wrong with trying and discovering new materials!

The is often confusion with picking Kanekalon online, especially if you get it from Ebay or Amazon.There is about 5/7 types of Kanekalon out there, some very frizzy, some very sleek, and most of the time these sellers don't mention which one they have for sale, they only mention "Kanekalon"...So it's always a surprise when you open the mail...Its for this reason i always source my Kanekalon from the same seller.

Now with Brexit we have to pay extra VAT ( the shop i use is in the UK) but even with the extra charges it's still a bargain.

This is the frizzy one for big volume: KANEKALON JUMBO BRAID 

More slick, and bigger color choice : PHANTASIA JUMBO BRAID

And for a bonus check the new one: GLOW IN THE DARK KANEKALON

Also check the great value: ANGELINA FIBRES   Great for subtle flash and to add some bling to your brushes and dubbing loops.

My other favorite is the Congo hair , i will put the main address of the shop, as they have many other awesome materials(dubbing, eyes, flash..) , so get in there and explore!


Next Friday we will look at an other favorite of mine, and often a forgotten natural material, the simple rabbit Zonker . Don't miss that stream, we will tie some proven bunnies!

To finish, here's a couple  to the flies i tie using synthetics, one i call "The Flasher" that got me most of my big pikes in Alaska and here in Ireland: 


And the Simple BaitFish , use the same method with the fibers of your choice:

122cm on a blue and white flasher

Fire tiger flasher totally inhaled

124cm on a firetiger flasher

Saturday, January 09, 2021

Live stream+ links

 Many thanks for all who joined the live stream last night on Youtube and a very big thank you for the donations to support the stream! All this is very welcome as we are again in lockdown and it's been a year now that the fishing lodge is closed. 


I really enjoyed the live interaction with you guys, and the stream had a great turn up with a full classroom attending .

This has got me exited to do more streams, and keep your suggestions coming!

One of the most recurring question last night was where do i buy my body tubing.Musky guys have been using body tubing a long time before it was commercialized for fly shops. Of course you can choose the easy option and buy them straight from your favorite fly shop or straight from Flymen Fishing co: Flymen Body tubing

This is a simple option if you only use this material on a few flies, or just want to discover and play a little with this material.But if you use a lot of it, it's a lot better to buy it by the meter! I use a lot of it, many of my pike streamer have BT , simply because you get massive volume without adding too much weight, it's very resilient and it will last a long time. Like i said above musky guys discovered this material a long time ago, and it comes from the electrical industry to sleeve and protect cables. There is different types of BT and you need to get the right one, its called FLEXO PET

And this is where i buy mine from, there is a few address in Europe.




And just in Case, here's a list of all the sellers:

You will see it's very cheap, and you have a wider choice of colours and sizes! 

If you guys want to support future streams and the work i do (blog/videos/tutorials) you can do it by "buying me a beer" . Of course this is not obligatory, i want to keep my content accessible to every one and for free.

But if you feel like it, donations will go a long way. Like i said i am not sponsored by fly shops, and everything you see in my videos, fly tying materials, computer software, cameras, webcams,lighting... All comes from my pocket...

Here's the link if you want to support the channel:

Again, many thanks for the last donations! I wasn't expecting any on the first stream, you guys ROCK! What a great community we have!

Next stream will will look at synthetic fibers and flash  that i use for my pike flies.Don't forget to tune in next Friday the 15th at 7.00pm GMT (Irish time).  To make sure you don't forget or miss the live stream subscribe to the channel and click on the notification bell.